
Product Presentation

Ovigran is a supplementary energy rich pellet for both breeding and meat lambs. Most sheep are sensitive to copper; the accumulation of copper can result in death. For that reason our Ovi-sheep feeds are copper-free.

Directions for use
To be given to breeding and meat lambs from an age of three weeks to one year. Lambs are prepared for slaughter either in the field or in the stall. The most common method is to allow them to graze in the field. For optimal growth performance lambs must have good grass available. The weather is an unpredictable factor when grazing lambs. If there is a great deal of rain or a drought the grass available may not be sufficient. Then it is also recommended to supplement with at least 200 g of Ovigran a day. This amount can be increased to 500 g a day. Making lambs ready for the slaughter in the stalls is done with a ration that is predominately made up of Ovigran. For best results it is still advisable to supplement the feed with at least 250 g of hay a day per animal. It is also possible to make meat lambs ready for slaughter on a ration of unlimited good silo corn and approximately 1 kg of Ovigran.

Further use
If you want to keep lambs as an addition to your flock, then we recommend you to use Ovimash or Ovi Allround starting at the age of 6 weeks.

Feeding tips
Sheep are very sensitive to copper poisoning. Therefore give sheep only special sheep pellets. Sheep are ruminants and consequently need roughage, like good quality hay. For that reason only 60 % of the ration should comprise energy feed.

Housing tips
Always provide a dry and large pen in the winter. Never keep sheep in a stable that is too small or poorly ventilated.

Breeding tip
Regularly check your sheep for parasites.

Bags 25 kg

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Product Presentation

Ovilic is an additional animal feed for sheep: a mineral bucket which perfectly meets the daily vitamins, minerals and trace elements requirements of both ewes and lambs. This feed does not contain any added copper. The added herbs and plant extracts (garlic, thyme, Corsican moss, male fern, goosefoot and wormseed) reduce the chance of worm infestation and help to keep the hind quarters clean, resulting in a lower risk of the dreaded myiasis disease.

Directions for use
Provide freely: one bucket per twenty sheep.

Feeding tip
Sheep are very sensitive to copper poisoning. Therefore give sheep only special sheep pellets.

Housing tips
Always provide a dry and large pen in the winter. Never keep sheep in a stable that is too small or poorly ventilated.

Breeding tip
Regularly check your sheep for parasites.

Buckets 20 kg

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Product Presentation

Ovigran is a supplementary energy rich pellet for both breeding and meat lambs. Most sheep are sensitive to copper; the accumulation of copper can result in death. For that reason our Ovi-sheep feeds are copper-free.

Directions for use
To be given to breeding and meat lambs from an age of three weeks to one year. Lambs are prepared for slaughter either in the field or in the stall. The most common method is to allow them to graze in the field. For optimal growth performance lambs must have good grass available. The weather is an unpredictable factor when grazing lambs. If there is a great deal of rain or a drought the grass available may not be sufficient. Then it is also recommended to supplement with at least 200 g of Ovigran a day. This amount can be increased to 500 g a day. Making lambs ready for the slaughter in the stalls is done with a ration that is predominately made up of Ovigran. For best results it is still advisable to supplement the feed with at least 250 g of hay a day per animal. It is also possible to make meat lambs ready for slaughter on a ration of unlimited good silo corn and approximately 1 kg of Ovigran.

Further use
If you want to keep lambs as an addition to your flock, then we recommend you to use Ovimash or Ovi Allround starting at the age of 6 weeks.

Feeding tips
Sheep are very sensitive to copper poisoning. Therefore give sheep only special sheep pellets. Sheep are ruminants and consequently need roughage, like good quality hay. For that reason only 60 % of the ration should comprise energy feed.

Housing tips
Always provide a dry and large pen in the winter. Never keep sheep in a stable that is too small or poorly ventilated.

Breeding tip
Regularly check your sheep for parasites.

Bags 20 kg

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Product Presentation

Ovimash is a supplementary flake mixture for sheep and lambs from an age of six weeks. Ovimash is made up of corn and barley flakes in addition to pellets. As a result the animals eat the feed much more readily. Most sheep are sensitive to copper; the accumulation of copper can result in death. For that reason our Ovi-sheep feeds are copper-free. Are you looking for a sheep feed that contains only pellets, then we recommend you Ovi Allround.

Directions for use
To be given to sheep and lambs from an age of six weeks. The need for energy feed differs depending on the breed and availability of grass in summer and roughage in the winter. Adult ewes and rams can be given a supplement of up to 250 g of Ovimash in the summer and 500 g of Ovimash in the winter. For optimal growth performance lambs must have good grass available during the raising period. The weather is an unpredictable factor when grazing lambs. A large amount of rain will make the grass too wet so that the animals cannot absorb sufficient dry matter. In a drought the grass available may not be sufficient. Then it is also advisable to supplement with at least 500 g of Ovimash a day if the quality or quantity of the grass is too low, e.g. in the late summer.

Further use
For optimal growth of breeding and meat lambs the protein-richer Ovigran is recommended.

Feeding tips
Sheep are very sensitive to copper poisoning. Therefore give sheep only special sheep pellets. Sheep are ruminants and consequently need roughage, like good quality hay. For that reason only 60 % of the ration should comprise energy feed. Don't overfeed the ewes during the first three months of gestation. Provide additional energy feed from three weeks before lambing.

Housing tips
Always provide a dry and large pen in the winter. Never keep sheep in a stable that is too small or poorly ventilated. Make small pens (ca. 1,5 m²) where the ewes can lamb calmly.

Breeding tip
Regularly check your sheep for parasites.

Bags 20 kg

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Product Presentation

Supplementary protein rich pellet for nursing ewes during lactation. Ovipel guarantees maximum milk production of the lactating ewe and high growth rate of the lambs. Most sheep are sensitive to copper; the accumulation of copper can result in death. For that reason our Ovi-sheep feeds are copper-free.

Directions for use
To be given to nursing ewes during the lactation period. As a basic rule of thumb a lactating ewe can be fed 500 g of Ovipel per nursing lamb. If a ewe has three lambs, 1.5 kg of Ovipel is given to guarantee good milk production. Maximum milk production is achieved with good quality roughage and a daily supplement of approximately 1 kg of Ovipel. If the roughage is of slightly poorer quality, more Ovipel should be given. With lambing of more than two lambs it is recommended to raise the additional lambs at the lamb bar with Ovimilk, especially with ewes with less-rich milk or if the lambs are rather unequal in weight.

Further use
Are you looking for a high quality maintenance feed, than we recommend you Ovimash or Ovi Allround.

Feeding tips
Sheep are very sensitive to copper poisoning. Therefore give sheep only special sheep pellets. Sheep are ruminants and consequently need roughage, like good quality hay. For that reason only 60 % of the ration should comprise energy feed. Give the ewes additional energy feed from three weeks before lambing.

Housing tips
Always provide a dry and large pen in the winter. Never keep sheep in a stable that is too small or poorly ventilated.

Breeding tip
Regularly check your sheep for parasites.

Bags 20 kg

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Product Presentation

Ovi Allround is an additional animal feed for sheep and lambs from an age of six weeks. This basic pellet is extremely well suited for rustic breeds and herds where various breeds are kept together. Ovi Allround consists of a small pellet that can be absorbed well by lambs from age six weeks. Most sheep are sensitive to copper; the accumulation of copper can result in death. For that reason our Ovi-sheep feeds are copper-free. Are you looking for a mixture of pellets and flakes, then we recommend you Ovimash.

Directions for use
To be given to sheep and lambs from an age of six weeks. Sheep are ruminants and consequently need roughage. The need for energy feed differs depending on the breed and availability of grass in summer and roughage in the winter. Adult ewes and rams can be given a supplement of up to 250 g of Ovi Allround in the summer and 500 g of Ovi Allround in the winter.

Further use
For optimal growth of breeding and meat lambs the protein-richer Ovigran is recommended.

Feeding tips
Sheep are very sensitive to copper poisoning. Therefore give sheep only special sheep pellets. Sheep are ruminants and consequently need roughage, like good quality hay. For that reason only 60 % of the ration should comprise energy feed. Don't overfeed the ewes during the first three months of gestation. Provide additional energy feed from three weeks before lambing.

Housing tips

Always provide a dry and large pen in the winter. Never keep sheep in a stable that is too small or poorly ventilated. Make small pens (ca. 1,5 m²) where the ewes can lamb calmly.

Breeding tip
Regularly check your sheep for parasites.

Bags 20 kg

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