Product Presentation

Oropharma Anti Hairball - Complementary feed for cats. As your cat is very hygienic and washes itself frequently, it swallows many hairs in the process. The indigestible hairs can sometimes amass in the stomach and thus form a hairball.

That is why your cat sometimes eats grass or nibbles on indoor plants to subsequently vomit a hairball. Anti Hairball is a natural remedy aimed at a good and natural secretion of the swallowed hairs. Anti Hairball prevents the formation of hairballs in the stomach and promotes intestinal transit due to the presence of malt and long-fibre cellulose. Prevents frequent coughing, retching and vomiting.

Directions for use

Daily 1 to 3 g (= 2 to 3 cm of paste). Store in a cool and dry place.


Dispenser 100 g

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Product Presentation

Complementary feed for cats. Oropharma Levu Cat brewer's yeast tablets are enriched with Florastimul, a unique combination of prebiotics, fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) and mannan-oligosaccharides (MOS), which benefit the microflora of the intestinal tract. Florastimul stimulates the growth of good bacteria and inhibits the attachment of pathogens to the intestinal wall. A daily intake of brewer's yeast by your cat contributes to a healthy, shiny skin and coat, increases the energy level in case of weakness, tiredness and/or recovery after illness, strengthens resistance to germs and promotes the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins.

Directions for use

1 Levu Cat tablet per day is a tasty and healthy snack for any cat.


Pot 250 tablets

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Product Presentation

Product presentation Complementary feed for cats. Oropharma Opti Hair brewer's yeast grains are enriched with elder (Sambucus nigra) and algae. Elder is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Algae contain minerals that are essential for skin and coat. Minerals ensure a fast and even moulting. Brewer's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) is an extremely valuable dietary supplement thanks to a high content of essential amino acids and a wealth of B-vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Directions for use

Sprinkle daily 1 teaspoon of Opti Hair grains on the food.


Pot 130 g

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Product Presentation

Artificial milk feed for cats. Oropharma Pet Milk is a milkreplacer under the form of a soluble milk powder, the composition of which closely resembles mother's milk. Pet Milk is is particularly suitable for motherless kittens, for kittens as a supplementary nutrition if the mother produces insufficient milk, for kittens as a supplement to weaning food, for the nursing mother to increase milk production and for the mother as a supplementary nutrition before, during and after the nursing period. Pet Milk contains all the necessary nutrients required by kittens in this important phase of their life. The balanced combination of vitamins, minerals and trace elements strengthens resistance capacity and ensures a healthy and balanced growth. The omega-3 fatty acids in Pet Milk play an important role in the development of the brain and the formation of a shiny and silky smooth coat.

Oropharma Pet Milk additionally contains taurine, a vital nutrient for cats that is found almost exclusively in animal tissue. A deficiency of taurine can lead to serious defects in the mother and her newborn kittens. In contrast to other animals, cats cannot produce sufficient levels of taurine themselves. A greater chance of taurine deficiency can exist in cases of decreased food intake during illness or stress and during an increased need during the nursing period. In these cases a supplement is appropriate.

Directions for use

Mix 1 measure Pet Milk with 2 measures water at body temperature (38°C), (= 200 g Pet Milk with 1 litre of water). 25 ml per 100 g of body weight per day, spread over 24 hrs.


Pot 250 g - with measure

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Product Presentation

Oropharma Cat Look is a horsetail extract (Equisitum arvense) and sage-based (Salvia officinalis) drycleansing lotion. Horsetail extract aids the untangling of longhaired coats and helps maintain elasticity. It reduces hair loss and strengthens hair. Sage has an invigorating effect.

Directions for use

Spray the Cat Look lotion on a dry coat or apply with a clean cloth and let it absorb for 1 or 2 minutes. Wipe dry with a clean towel and comb through if necessary (with longhaired cats).


  • Spray 250 ml
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Cotton Sticks

Product Presentation

The 100 % cotton Oropharma Cotton Sticks make the cleaning of the ear and earflap safe and easy.

Directions for use

Dip the Cotton Sticks in the Oropharma Ear Care lotion and clean the ear and the ear area.


  • Small box 56 pieces
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Ear Care

Product Presentation

Ears produce wax, catch dirt and hold moisture. To avoid infections it is essential to keep the ears clean. Using an ear cleanser moreover lessens potential itching and unpleasant odours. Oropharma Ear Care is a soothing ear lotion on a base of allantoin and wild violets (Viola tricolor). Allantoin has a positive effect on the recovery of the skin. Wild violets sooth the sensitive ear skin and help remove earwax in an easy and gentle manner.

Directions for use

Apply the Ear Care lotion to a cloth or even better to an Oropharma Cotton Stick and gently cleanse the ear and earflap. Massage the ear in order to loosen the earwax and make it easier to remove.


  • Small bottle 150 ml
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EYE Care

Product Presentation

Cats are even more dependent on their eyesight than people. The eye is a sensitive organ to the cat and deserves sufficient care and attention. Cats produce tears in order to keep their eyes moist. Occasionally these can cause the hairs around the eyes to get stuck together, which makes it necessary to clean them. Oropharma Eye Care is a non irritating cleansing lotion specially developed for cats, for the removal of tear stains and dried-up tears under the eyes. Eye Care is made with cornflower (Centaurea cyanus), known for its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. The hairs are not affected and retain their natural color and shine.

Directions for use

Apply the Eye Care lotion to a cloth and gently rub under the eyes until the tear stains or the dried tears are gone.


  • Small bottle 150 ml
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EYE Clean

Product Presentation

The lotion-impregnated Oropharma Eye Clean cleansing towelettes are designed for the daily eye care of your cat. Eye Clean is made with cornflower (Centaurea cyanus), known for its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Directions for use

Clean under your cat's eyes daily to prevent tear stains and dried tears.


  • Tin 70 towelettes
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Product Presentation

Drops against parasites, particularly against ticks. Based on natural ingredients. 30 ml used Regularly will protect the entire season. It is good to combine the drops with another additional agent acting from the inside, also based on natural ingredients –

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Product Presentation

For having fun in the right place. Oropharma Cat Attract is a natural catnip (Nepeta cataria) extract. When cats smell catnip, they roll around in the plant, play with it and feel comfortable. The extract has this effect for a few minutes, after which the cat loses interest. Cat Attract has the same effect again on the cat soon afterwards however. This way the cat learns what its territory is and where it is allowed to play and scratch to its heart's content.

Directions for use

Spray Cat Attract in the litter box, on cat toys and other places your cat plays. Leave it to dry for a few minutes. Repeat on a weekly basis.


  • Spray 200 ml
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Product Presentation

Oropharma Deodo Flower Perfume is a cat litter tray deodorant with a pleasant flower perfume. Neutralizes unpleasant smells and extends the effects of the cat litter tray filling.

Directions for use

Spread the Deodo granules evenly across the bottom of the cat litter tray before adding the litter filling.


  • SDredger 750 g
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Product Presentation

Oropharma Deodo Lavender Perfume is a cat litter tray deodorant with a pleasant lavender perfume. Neutralizes unpleasant smells and extends the effects of the cat litter tray filling.

Directions for use

Spread the Deodo granules evenly across the bottom of the cat litter tray before adding the litter filling.


  • Dredger 750 g
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Product Presentation

The keeping of pets sometimes brings unpleasant smells with it. Oropharma Odour Control removes these odours from your house, car or other places your pet regularly spends time.

Directions for use

Spray Odour Control on the area to be neutralized from a distance of 30 to 40 cm.


  • Spray can 250 ml
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Product Presentation

Does your cat refuse to keep out of your favourite chair? Oropharma Stop Indoor is an effective method for discouraging cats from marking their territory in areas you would prefer them not to, e.g. to keep them off a particular chair or carpet you want to protect indoors without discomfort to humans. The spray allows the liquid to be applied wherever you choose.

Directions for use

Spray Stop Indoor in the places you want to protect every 4 to 5 days. Attention! Do not use on areas where food and drink is stored for both humans and animals. Keep out of reach of children.


  • Vaporizer 500 ml
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Product Presentation

Does your cat refuse to keep out of the flower bed? Oropharma Stop Outdoor is an effective method for discouraging cats from marking their territory in areas you would prefer them not to, e.g. to keep them off from the front door, a façade, a letterbox, a trash bag or plants you want to protect outdoors without discomfort to humans. The spray allows the liquid to be applied wherever you choose.

Directions for use

Spray Stop Outdoor in the places you want to protect every 4 to 5 days. Attention! Do not use near a well or fish pond. Keep out of reach of children.


  • Vaporizer 500 ml
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Product Presentation

Versele-Laga Senegal. Cat litter made of white clay grains from Senegal. Very economical. High absorption, absorbs before unpleasant odours develop.

Directions for use

Fill the litter box with a layer of 4 to 7 cm of Versele-Laga Senegal. Excrements dry quickly, so they are easy to remove. Shake the litter box regularly and top up as necessary. For optimal hygiene, refresh the litter in the box completely twice a week.

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Product Presentation

Versele-Laga eXtreme Compact. Cat litter, composed of fine granules ultra-absorbent natural and pleasantly scented clay. Form compact clumps immediately capture unpleasant odors. Need to clean the litter tray completely, just add the product. The rest, a pleasant fragrant litter box. Economic great, lasts up to four times longer than ordinary litter. Instructions Fill the litter box with a layer of 5 to 7 cm Versele-Laga eXtreme Compact. Remove each day using a small shovel, agglutinated clumps of litter and solid excrements. Add the Versele-Laga eXtreme Compact the litter box.

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Product Presentation

Cat toilets spray reduces the inevitable odor and not just about covers it. Does the cat litter box fresh and hygienic.

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Product Presentation

Kat mix is a complete animal feed for adult cats.

Kat mix contains CHICKEN and RICE. Chicken and rice are high quality proteins.
Kat mix contains BREWER'S YEASTand RICE FIBRE. Brewer’s yeast and rice fibre are a source of VITAMINS and STIMULATE DIGESTION.
Kat mix contains SALMON OIL and RICE FIBRE for obtaining the ideal ratio of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, for a HEALTHY SKIN and SHINY COAT.

Composition: Meat and animal by-products (of which a min 25% chicken), grains (of which a min 10% rice), vegetable by-products, eggs and egg products, oils and fats, fish and by-products, yeast, minerals.

Supplements (mg/kg) :

Vitamins Vitamin A (IE/kg): 20.000 - Vitamin D3 (IE/kg): 2.000 - Vitamin E (α-tocoferol): 150 - Taurine: 1.500 Trace elements Iron (iron(II)sulfate (monohydrate) – iron(II)chelate of amino acids) (E1): 90,00 - Copper (copper(II)sulfate (pentahydrate) – copper(II)chelate of amino acids) (E4): 13,00 - Zinc (zinc(II)sulfate (monohydrate) – zinc(II)chelate of amino acids) (E6): 100,00 - Manganese (manganese(II)oxide – manganese(II)chelate of amino acids) (E5): 40,00 - Cobalt (cobalt carbonate hydroxide (monohydrate) (E3): 1,50 - Iodine (calcium iodate) (E2): 1,50 - Selenium (sodium selenite) (E8): 0,20 Antioxidants

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Product Presentation

With Lara Junior's crisp dry chunks, your naughty kitten will visibly enjoy the delicious flavour of chicken. All that goodness for healthy growth.

Directions for use

With growing kittens, we strongly recommend to spread the daily ration over several meals. Make sure your cat always has plenty of fresh water to drink.


  • Small bags 350 g
  • Bags 2 kg
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Product Presentation

Does your cat keep the house and garden alive? Then the crisp, dry Lara Adult Turkey & Chicken chunks will be a true flavour feast for your beloved cat.

Directions for use

Make sure your cat always has plenty of fresh water to drink.


  • Small bags 350 g
  • Bags 2 kg
  • Bags 10 kg
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Product Presentation

Does your cat keep the house and garden alive? Then the crisp, dry Lara Adult Beef chunks will be a true flavour feast for your beloved cat.

Directions for use

Make sure your cat always has plenty of fresh water to drink.


  • Small bags 350 g
  • Bags 2 kg
  • Bags 10 kg
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Product Presentation

Does your cat keep the house and garden alive? Then the crisp, dry Lara Adult Salmon chunks will be a true flavour feast for your beloved cat.

Directions for use

Make sure your cat always has plenty of fresh water to drink.


  • Small bags 350 g
  • Bags 2 kg
  • Bags 10 kg
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Product Presentation

After sterilization or castration it can be difficult to maintain a healthy body weight for your cat. The crisp, dry chunks of Lara Adult Sterilized help your cat to maintain her or his condition. And your cat will visibly enjoy the delicious chicken flavour.

Directions for use

Make sure your cat always has plenty of fresh water to drink.


  • Small bags 350 g
  • Bags 2 kg
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Product Presentation

Spoil your calm domestic cat with the crisp, dry chunks of Lara Adult Indoor. These delicious chicken- and duck-flavoured chunks contain vegetable fibres that help to eliminate hairballs.

Directions for use

Make sure your cat always has plenty of fresh water to drink.


  • Small bags 350 g
  • Bags 2 kg
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Product Presentation

Product presentation

Lara Adult Urinary Care has been especially formulated to support healthy urinary tracts and to help reduce the likelihood of cystitis. Your cat will visibly enjoy the delicious chicken flavour.

Directions for use

Make sure your cat always has plenty of fresh water to drink.


  • Small bags 350 g
  • Bags 2 kg
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Product Presentation

Spoil your mature, older cat with the crisp, dry chunks of Lara Senior. These delicious turkey-and chicken-flavoured chunks are a true flavour feast for your beloved older cat.

Directions for use

Make sure your cat always has plenty of fresh water to drink.


  • Small bags 350 g
  • Bags 2 kg
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Product Presentation

Product presentation Lara Fitness Pouch Chicken. Complete food for cats. Chunks with chicken in sauce.

Directions for use

Serve at room temperature. Daily ration: 100 g per kg of live weight. Once opened, store in a cool place and use within two days.


  • Pouches 100 g
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Product Presentation

Lara Fitness Pouch Chicken & Turkey. Complete food for cats. Chunks with chicken and turkey in sauce.

Directions for use

Serve at room temperature. Daily ration: 100 g per kg of live weight. Once opened, store in a cool place and use within two days.


  • Pouches 100 g
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Product Presentation

Lara Fitness Pouch Beef. Complete food for cats. Chunks with beef in sauce.

Directions for use

Serve at room temperature. Daily ration: 100 g per kg of live weight. Once opened, store in a cool place and use within two days.


  • Pouches 100 g
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Product Presentation

Lara Fitness Pouch Beef & Lamb. Complete food for cats. Chunks with beef and lamb in sauce.

Directions for use

Serve at room temperature. Daily ration: 100 g per kg of live weight. Once opened, store in a cool place and use within two days.


  • Pouches 100 g
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Product Presentation

Lara Fitness Pouch Game. Complete food for cats. Chunks with game in sauce.

Directions for use

Serve at room temperature. Daily ration: 100 g per kg of live weight. Once opened, store in a cool place and use within two days.


  • Pouches 100 g
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Product Presentation

Lara Fitness Pouch Salmon & Trout. Complete food for cats. Chunks with salmon and trout in sauce.

Directions for use

Serve at room temperature. Daily ration: 100 g per kg of live weight. Once opened, store in a cool place and use within two days.


  • Pouches 100 g
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Product Presentation

Lara Fitness Can Chicken. Complete food for cats. Chunks with chicken in sauce.

Directions for use

Serve at room temperature. Daily ration for adult cats: 200 to 400 g, to be spread over two meals. Once opened, store in a cool place and use within two days.


  • Cans 400 g
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Product Presentation

Lara Fitness Can Chicken & Turkey. Complete food for cats. Chunks with chicken and turkey in sauce.

Directions for use

Serve at room temperature. Daily ration for adult cats: 200 to 400 g, to be spread over two meals. Once opened, store in a cool place and use within two days.


  • Cans 400 g
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Product Presentation

Lara Fitness Can Beef. Complete food for cats. Chunks with beef in sauce.

Directions for use

Serve at room temperature. Daily ration for adult cats: 200 to 400 g, to be spread over two meals. Once opened, store in a cool place and use within two days.


  • Cans 400 g
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Product Presentation

Lara Fitness Can Beef & Lamb. Complete food for cats. Chunks with beef and lamb in sauce.

Directions for use

Serve at room temperature. Daily ration for adult cats: 200 to 400 g, to be spread over two meals. Once opened, store in a cool place and use within two days.


  • Cans 400 g
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Product Presentation

Lara Fitness Can Game. Complete food for cats. Chunks with game in sauce.

Directions for use

Serve at room temperature. Daily ration for adult cats: 200 to 400 g, to be spread over two meals. Once opened, store in a cool place and use within two days.


  • Cans 400 g
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Product Presentation

Lara Fitness Can Salmon & Trout. Complete food for cats. Chunks with salmon and trout in sauce.

Directions for use

Serve at room temperature. Daily ration for adult cats: 200 to 400 g, to be spread over two meals. Once opened, store in a cool place and use within two days.


  • Cans 400 g
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Product Presentation

Economic feed mix in the form of adult cats.
OKE Cat Food 10 kg
Complete and balanced food for cats OKE's economic mix consisting of meat croquettes and extruded cereal, corn and vegetable flakes, covering the daily nutritional requirements of your cat.
Ingredients: Meat and animal by-products, cereals and by-products of vegetable origin, oils and fats, vitamins and minerals.

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