
Product Presentation

Ovilic is an additional animal feed for sheep: a mineral bucket which perfectly meets the daily vitamins, minerals and trace elements requirements of both ewes and lambs. This feed does not contain any added copper. The added herbs and plant extracts (garlic, thyme, Corsican moss, male fern, goosefoot and wormseed) reduce the chance of worm infestation and help to keep the hind quarters clean, resulting in a lower risk of the dreaded myiasis disease.

Directions for use

Provide freely: one bucket per twenty sheep.

Feeding tip

Sheep are very sensitive to copper poisoning. Therefore give sheep only special sheep pellets.

Housing tips

Always provide a dry and large pen in the winter. Never keep sheep in a stable that is too small or poorly ventilated.

Breeding tip

Regularly check your sheep for parasites.

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Product Presentation

Balanced supplementary pellet-flake mixture for kids, fawns, young llamas and alpacas. A balanced diet is essential for optimal growth. Caprifloc stimulates good growth in these young herbivores. Deer are very choosy when it comes to the taste of their feed. The feeds from the Capri-range are consequently also ideal for these ruminants.

Directions for use
As of the age of three weeks to three months can Caprifloc be administered freely as a supplement. Refresh Caprifloc daily will stimulate consumption.

Further use

From three months of age switch over to Caprina or Caprimash.

Feeding tips
Feed young goats with additional feed as quicky as possible, already during lactation period. This will prevent problems with weaning. Always make good hay freely available.

Housing tips
Goats and deer may be left to pasture in summer and winter. However a dry and draught-free stable is essential. Always provide an adequately high fence: 1,20 m for goats; from 1,80 m to 2,50 m for deer.

Bags 20 kg

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Product Presentation

Supplementary pellet-flake mixture for goats, dwarf goats, deer, llamas and alpacas from three months of age. In addition to pellets Caprimash also contains corn- and barley flakes. As a result the animals eat the feed much more readily. Llamas and alpacas are very choosy when it comes to the taste of their feed. The feeds from the Capri-range are consequently also ideal for these ruminants. Are you looking for a supplementary pellet, then we recommend you Caprina.

Directions for use
After Caprifloc, Caprimash can, from the age of three months, in addition to hay, be administered as a supple-mentary feed. Goats, deer, llamas and alpacas are ruminants: they need good roughage, like better quality hay. For that reason only a maximum of 60 % of the ration may comprise energy feed. In general 500 g of Caprimash a day is sufficient in addition to good grazing. During the winter a portion of 1 to 1,2 kg of Caprimash per animal is recommended in addition to good hay. The flakes of corn and barley promote the consumption of the feed and guarantee the excellent condition of your animals. Dwarf goats generally need less feed: a daily portion of 50 to 100 g of Caprimash per animal should be sufficient in addition to hay or straw.

Feeding tip
Always make good hay freely available.

Housing tips
Goats and deer may be left to pasture in summer and winter. However a dry and draught-free stable is essential. Always provide an adequately high fence: 1,20 m for goats; from 1,80 m to 2,50 m for deer.

Breeding tips
In bucks and stags additional concentrate feed promotes antler growth. Weaning in early September stimulates heat in hinds.

Bags 20 kg

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Product Presentation

Caprina is a supplementary maintenance pellet for goats, dwarf goats, deer, llamas and alpacas. The feeds from the Capri-range are ideal for these ruminants. Are you looking for a flakes mixture, then we recommend you Caprimash.

Directions for use
After Caprifloc, Caprina can be administered, from the age of three months, as a supplementary feed. Goats, deer, llamas and alpacas are ruminants: they need good roughage, like better quality hay. For that reason only a maximum of 60 % of the ration may comprise energy feed. In general 500 g of Caprina a day is sufficient in addition to good grazing. During the winter a portion of 1 to 1,2 kg of Caprina per animal is recommended in addition to good hay.

Feeding tip
Always make good hay freely available.

Housing tips
Goats and deer may be left to pasture in summer and winter. However a dry and draught-free stable is essential. Always provide an adequately high fence: 1,20 m for goats; from 1,80 m to 2,50 m for deer.

Breeding tips
In bucks and stags additional concentrate feed promotes antler growth. Weaning in early September stimulates heat in hinds.

Bags 20 kg

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