Product Description

Treatment of bacterial infections in pigeons caused by bacteria sensitive to Amoxicillin


  • Extremely active against streptococcosis, salmonellosis and colibacillosis
  • For effective treatment of gastro-intestinal and respiratory tract infections
  • Broad spectrum activity
  • Optimal penetration in tissues
  • Effective high dosage
  • High stability in drinking water
  • Amoxicure


1 measuring spoon of AMOXICURE per litre of drinking water during 5 days

  • Complete and fast solubility in non-calcareous water
  • No harmful effect on racing performances
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Product Description

Treatment of worm infections in pigeons hasdkjhas kahsdkjasdh lashdkjasdh asldkjhh

box of 40 tablets

  • Optimal activity against round-worm (Ascaridia) and hairworm (Capillaria)
  • Effective after one-time dose
  • Active against larvae and adult worms
  • Quick, safe and effective action
  • Does not cause vomiting
  • No abnormal feather growth
  • Avicas

Directions for use

  • 1 tablet of AVICAS per pigeon, repeat after 8 days
  • With severe Capillaria infestation: treat for 2 consecutive days
  • and treat for another 2 days after 1 week.
  • Practical, correct and safe dosage
  • Simple and easy administration
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Product Description

Treatment of coccidiosis in pigeons

box of 8 sachets and container of 120 g

  • Effective against Eimeria labbeana, Columbarum, Canaria and Isospora serini
  • Preventive and curative action
  • Does not interfere with immunity-development
  • Double action: antibacterial and anticoccidiosis Coxi Plus

Directions for use

1 sachet or 1 measuring spoon of COXI PLUS per 2 litres of drinking water during 5 days

In case of insufficient liquid intake (e.g. in the winter) 1 sachet or 1 measuring spoon of COXI PLUS per litre of drinking water

  • Completely water soluble
  • High stability in drinking water
  • Simple and easy drinking water medication
  • Safe dosage


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Product Description

Treatment of respiratory tract infections, ornithosis, mycoplasmosis and ocular infections in pigeons

box of 8 sachets or economy box of 24 sachets

High activity against gram-positive en gram-negative bacteria Fast and complete absorption High penetration in tissues Long-acting antibiotic Second generation tetracycline Ornicure

Directions for use

1 sachet of ORNICURE per 2 litres of deionized drinking water during 5 days

In case of insufficient liquid intake (e.g. in the winter) 1 sachet of ORNICURE per litre of deionized drinking water

  • Completely water soluble in deionized water
  • High stability in drinking water
  • Simple and easy drinking water medication
  • Safe dosage
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Product Description

Treatment of respiratory tract infections, ornithosis, mycoplasmosis and ocular infections in pigeons

Treatment of paratyphus, colibacillosis, intestinal bacterial and respiratory tract infections in pigeons

CONTAINS TRIMETHOPRIM GRANULATE box of 8 sachets and container of 120 g

  • Low MIC's (minimal inhibitory concentrations) against E. coli, Salmonella and Yersinia
  • Broad spectrum activity
  • High bioavailability
  • Rapid action
  • No resistance development
  • No harmful effect on racing performances
  • Enhanced activity by simultaneous administration of COXI PLUS Theraprim

Directions for use

1 sachet or 1 measuring spoon of THERAPRIM per 2 litres of drinking water during 5 days

In case of insufficient liquid intake (e.g. in the winter) 1 sachet or 1 measuring spoon THERAPRIM per litre of drinking water

  • Completely water soluble
  • High stability in drinking water
  • Safe dosage
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Product Description

Treatment of trichomonosis (canker) in pigeons hasdkjhas kahsdkjasdh lashdkjasdh asldkjhh

box of 40 tablets

  • Very active against trichomonosis (canker) One-time treatment
  • Longer lasting due to delayed release
  • Unique longer lasting protection
  • Does not cause vomiting
  • No harmful effect on condition
  • Trichocure

Directions for use

Prevention: 1 tablet of TRICHOCURE per pigeon after feeding
Treatment: 1 tablet of TRICHOCURE per pigeon after feeding
and repeat the treatment after 2 days

  • Simple and easy administration
  • Individual treatment
  • Safe dosage
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Product Description

Treatment of trichomonosis (canker) and hexamitiasis in pigeons


box of 8 or 30 sachets or container of 250 g (available in the Netherlands)

  • High therapeutic activity
  • Effective against anaerobic bacteria
  • Broad safety margin
  • No harmful effect on racing performances
  • Not toxic for young pigeons.

Directions for use

1 sachet or 1 measuring spoon of TRICHO PLUS per 2 litres of drinking water during 5 days

In case of insufficient liquid intake (e.g. in the winter) 1 sachet or 1 measuring spoon TRICHO PLUS per litre of drinking water

  • Completely water soluble
  • Loft treatment
  • Safe dosage
  • Simple and easy drinking water medication
  • During the winter period TRICHO PLUS can also be administered on the food
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Product Description

Against bacterial infections of the gastro-intestinal tract

  • Contains an antibiotic of the penicillin group
  • Effective against gram positive and gram negative pathogens
  • Especially well tolerated by young pigeons
  • Available in powder form for treatment via the drinking water and in capsule form for treatment of individual birds
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Product Description


Broad spectrum anthelmintic for pigeons hasdkjhas kahsdkjasdh lashdkjasdh asldkjhh

  • Capsules assure an exact dosing of the active substance Fenbendazole
  • For deworming one capsule per bird is sufficient
  • Effective against all major types of worms
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Product Description


Control of Canker and/or Hexamitiasis

  • Controls trichomonas effectively
  • Available in powder form for treatment via the drinking water and in capsule form for treatment of individual birds
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Product Description


In Coccidiosis Contains the coccidiostat amprolium

  • Contains vitamin A and vitamin K3 to support the recreation of the damaged gut mucosa
  • Contains camomile flower extract as an anti-inflammatory agent
  • For use via water or feed
  • Can also be used during the moult
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Product Description


Against infections of the respiratory tract

  • Therapeutic of high efficacy for pigeons and caged birds
  • Effective against mycoplasms, E.coli, Haemophilus gallinarium, as well as pasteurellae
  • Available in powder form for treatment via the drinking water and in capsule form for treatment of individual birds
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Product Description


Therapeutic against bacterial infections, for racing pigeons

  • Contains substances with high intestinal activity
  • Contains vitamins, minerals and trace elements to support metabolism and resistance
  • Available in powder form for treatment via the drinking water and in capsule form for treatment of individual birds
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Product Description

Multivitamin EB12

A multivitamin boost

  • Multivitamin concentration for preparing pigeons for competition, as well as for prevention of deficiencies
  • Contains essential amino acids e.g. methionine and lysine for an optimum protein metabolism (competitions, growth, moult) as well as for the synthesis of the endogenic L-carnitine
  • Breeding season: stimulates the pigeon's libido and fertility
  • Available in powder form for treatment via the drinking water and in capsule form for treatment of individual birds No dope, no side effects
When? How often? How much? Yield
Long distance races:
24 hours before basketing, but not later
Once 1 sachet per 4 to 6 litres of drinking water
1 capsule per pigeon
12 sachets are sufficient for 48 to 72 litres of drinking water according to the dosage
100 capsules are sufficient for 100 pigeons
Follow-up treatment after vitamin consuming infections 2 days after treatment is finished:
once a day,
repetation after one week
1 sachet per 2 litres of drinking water
o r
2 capsules per pigeon and day
12 sachets are sufficient for 24 litres of drinking water

100 capsules are sufficient for 50 pigeons
Before and after vaccinations Once per day
1st application:
1 day before vaccination
2nd application:
6 days after vaccination
In case of fertility problems For 4 weeks; 2 days per week    



To maintain and strengthen performance at all kinds of stress. To stimulate the pigeons's libido and fertility.

Pack sizes:

12 sachets of 7.5 g each
Box of 100 capsules

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Product Description


Against acute and chronical diseases of the respiratory organs

  • Contains the antibiotics Lincomycin and Spectinomycin
  • For treatment against diseases of the respiratory tract like air sac inflammation or pneumonia
  • Effective in case of conjunctivitis and tracheitis caused by bacteria
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Product Description

Gamba Tabs R, 60 Tablets (UK) Treatment and prevention of trichomoniasis, intestinal coccidiosis and Trichomonas-derived inflammation of crop mucosa in racing pigeons.For animal treatment only.

Dosage instructions:

Dosage: Prevention dosage (Prophylaxis) during the racing season give 1 tablet per pigeon at the beginning of the week every 8-14 days. Weaning of Youngsters from parents 1 tablet per Youngster. Breeding season: give one tablet per pigeon 14 days before egg hatching.

Therapy (treatment dosage): depending on the severity of disease.

Give 1 tablet per infected pigeons for 2-3 days in succession, depending on the severity of the infection and two weeks before the first brood hatches, 1 tablet per pigeon 2 days in succession.


Administrer 1-2 hours before feeding! Droppings may show a slight yellow colouring.

“This product is not to use in animals intended for human consumption.”

Gamba Tabs R does not have any known negative side-effects.

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Product Description

Gambakokzid RO 25g sachet (UK)

Combination preparation for treatment of trichomoniasis and coccidiosis for pigeons. For animal treatment only.

Dosage instructions:

Dosage: 2 g powder per 1 litre of drinking water over a period of 6 days. (One measuring spoon of Gambakozid RO is equivalent to 5 g)

Following this treatment we recommend administration of Multivitamin T 13 Dragees or Gervit-W for pigeons.


Drinking water volumes refer to normal consumption levels and should be doubled on hot days.

“This product is not to use in animals intended for human consumption.”

Gambakokzid RO does not have any known negative side-effects.

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Product Description

Gambatex, 30 Tablets (UK)

Treatment and prevention of intestinal coccidiosis (Eimeria labbeana, Eimeria columbarum) in racing pigeons.


The sporulation of Oocysts is reduced by about fifty percent which means that infection can be extremely reduced. For animal treatment only.

Dosage instructions:

Dosage: 2 tablets per pigeon. All pigeons of a pigeon flock must be treated. During the racing season it is recommended to treat the pigeons against coccidiosis every 4 weeks with Gambatex to prevent loss of performance.


Administrer 1-2 hours before feeding!

“This product is not to use in animals intended for human consumption.”

Gambatex does not have any known negative side-effects.

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Product Description

Wurm T (Wormtabs), 100 Tablets (UK)

For treatment against roundworm, capillaria-worm and maw-worm infection in racing pigeons. For animal treatment only.

Dosage instructions:

Dosage: Simply 1 tablet per pigeon, repeat 1 tablet more after 6 weeks.


Administrer 1-2 hours before feeding!

“This product is not to use in animals intended for human consumption.”

Wurm T (Wormtabs) does not have any known negative side-effects.

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Product Description


  • Bacterial infections of the respiratory organs
  • Mycoplasmosis
  • Ornithosis


  • Put sick pigeons in quarantine.
  • Treat all your pigeons, not only the sick ones
  • After medications give your pigeons an Multivitamin Complex (the day after the last day of the treatment).
  • Disinfect lofts/housing with LIMOSEPTIC In most cases, this product may be combined if necessary with other medicines


  • 1 measuring cup = 5 g Gambazin in 2 litres of drinking water (20-25 pigeons) or
  • 1 sachet = 25 g in 10 litres of drinking water (200 pigeons) over period of 5-6 days.

Size: Box 30 sachets x 25gr

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Product Description


The best treatment against Salmonellosis (Paratyphus). With 1 sachet of Nifuramycin you can treat 250 pigeons



  • Bacterial infections
  • Coli infections
  • Salmonellosis (Paratyphus)
  • Bacterial infections of the respiratory organs
  • General stress situations


5 grams of Nifuramycin (1 measuring cup) per 2 litres of drinking water (20-25 pigeons) or 1 sachet in 12,5 litres of drinking water (250 pigeons) over period of 3-4 days.


  • 1 x 25g sachet
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Product Presentation

A super mixture for all exotic doves.


Bags 20 kg

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